Today, Musings turned two. Two years ago I published my first post announcing Construction Law Musings and the next day posted a welcome post. I did this for fun, and the ride has been great ever since. I still find the response from all of my readers to my thoughts on green building, contracts and general construction law to be somewhat, and wonderfully, overwhelming.
A lot has changed. Two years ago, I was a lawyer at DurretteBradshaw and looking for ways to expand my practice. On the professional side, I have since gone solo and had numerous opportunities to speak, teach and write that I likely would never have had but for diving into the social media and blogging world. To all of you whom I’ve met in my travels (both online and off) and with whom I’ve spoken, thank you.
On the blogging front, I moved from Blogger to WordPress and then from Thesis to Headway. I started Guest Post Fridays with a call for guest posts back in 2008 and the idea has skyrocketed. I now can’t imaging Musings without the varied and insightful contributions from all of the Guest Post Friday contributors. Your contributions have made this corner of the Web a great place to hang out. Without these contributions, Musings would be a much less colorful place.
So, without further ado, thank you to all of my readers and subscribers who regularly visit and share. Thank you to all of those who have contributed to the guest post Friday brigade and who contact me on a regular basis. It’s been a great two years, and I look forward to continuing to write, learn and laugh with all of you for the foreseeable future.
Image via stock.xchng.
As always, I welcome your comments below. Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

Two Years and Counting. . . WOW!: Today, Musings turned two. Two years… #contractmanagement
Congrats on the milestone! Been a subscriber for 18 months or more (I feel like such an insider). Looking forward to your continued contributions.
Thanks Adam for the kind words and the readership.
Congrats Chris. That is quite an accomplishment. Look forward to following your blog for many more years!
Thanks Ryan!
Congrats Chris, keep up the good work!
Sorry I have not been has communicative lately – had literally seven speaking gigs between the Green Legal deal in New Orleans and December 7. Hoping to get back on the social media horse here this week …
Only 7? Thanks for checking in Tim. Hope to catch up soon.