As I recover from a trial this past Monday (thanks to all of you who wished me well, the trial was a success), I realized that I had not caught up with many of the friends that I’ve met through Musings and other Web 2.0 means (thanks to my friend Melissa Brumback for a reminder and for her post on blogs to read). Without your support, my construction practice, and Musings, would never have grown the way that it has.
From those that guest post, to the numerous construction attorneys that I’ve met and with whom I’ve collaborated (their blogs linked from here), you have all been wonderful resources on everything from blogging, to mediation/negotiation, to green building and general construction practice. These last links are merely a cross section of the great folks that I’ve met online, and then gotten to know in person when growing my real world practice. Your help and support have been invaluable and presented me with opportunities that I would never have had but for my journey into social media and my determination to couple that with “real world” contact. In short, thanks for the great resources, I highly recommend you all and wish I could list each and every one of you.
To those who are new and old readers of Musings, thank you as well, Please check out the links above, and all of the other great blogs and resources linked from Musings (and my law firm website as well). You will be glad you did.
Please join the conversation with a comment below. Also, I encourage you to subscribe to keep up with the latest Construction Law Musings.