Originally posted 2016-02-15 09:00:48. Well, I’m back after what was several weeks of fun, depositions and settlement negotiations. Between a great family holiday trip and work, the month of January and some of February flew by and I didn’t have the time to keep up with my usual Monday posting schedule. Thank you to those […]
I’m Adding Arbitration to my ADR Services
Readers of this construction law blog know that I am a huge fan of mediation to resolve construction disputes. In that vein, I became a certified mediator and have provided mediation services for quite a while now. I have also had mixed feelings about arbitration as a required means of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) because […]
Talking Mediation at AEC Forensics
Originally posted 2017-08-14 09:23:20. Thank you to my friend and relatively frequent guest poster here at Construction Law Musings, Brian Hill (@aecforensics) for letting me invade his great blog on risk management and best construction practices, AECforensics.com, and talk about one of my favorite topics, mediation. As I have said on many an occasion, mediation […]
Time is of the Essence, Even When the Contract Doesn’t Say So
Welcome to 2021! As often happens here at Construction Law Musings, the year starts with a few posts on notable construction law cases that dropped in the past year or so. Not only does this review hopefully help you keep up, but helps me keep up with the latest developments (one of the reasons why […]
Happy 2021 from Construction Law Musings
Phew! We made it through 2020. Needless to say, this year has been an “interesting” (in the Chinese curse sort of way) year. While the year started strong, COVID created some hurdles for the construction industry in Virginia. Everything from new emergency regulations, to the need to be extremely careful with your notices, and keeping […]