As the kids get back to school after yet another four day weekend due to snow here in Richmond, VA, and normalcy (whatever that means) kicks back in, I now have a chance to reflect, get back on the writing track and let you, my readers, know what has been happening here at Musings and with my solo construction practice.
This past Friday, I was honored to moderate and speak at a seminar on Virginia mechanic’s lien issues. I was one of four speakers that discussed liens from start (filing and recording) to finish (prosecuting the lawsuit and defending that suit). We speakers discussed the wrinkles of bankruptcy and residential liens. I “anchored” (take that how you will) the program with a discussion of mechanic’s lien implications and alternatives (such as bond claims). The program was well received and I appreciated the opportunity to both teach and learn at the seminar.
On the Musings front, I’ve been keeping an eye on the legislature. Unlike the past couple of years, the legislature has not done much to mess with the mechanic’s lien statute. The General Assembly also hasn’t done much with procurement (though they have convened a study committee on this topic and I will let you know what happens with that). In short, not too much has changed in 2014 as compared to past years.
Mostly, I wanted to thank you, the readers of this little corner of the ‘net, for sticking with me during my period of writer’s block and less consistent postings. We’ll be picking up on the Guest Post Fridays this Friday and I’ll get back on track with my Monday Musings. In the meantime, check out some of the other law blogs in my links to get your construction law fix.
As always, I welcome your comments below. Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.